Customer Success Stories

Walbridge Material Technology Co., LTD. establish roof-top’s waterproof, heat insulation, and wall’s painting in the beginning. With 4 year’s growth, revenue increase from 500 thousand to 25 million, and continuously increase with a steady growth. Then, Walbridge developed “roof-top thin layer planting system” and” roof-top farming system.” With eco constructing material certificated by EU, Walbridge also stepped into international market and become an innovative brand of eco building of Taiwan.

Customer Testimonial
Management Challenges
- These methods can not manage whole engineering cases efficiently. If there’s postpone situation, cost might increase in the end.
- If building owner or boss need to know progress, managers need to ask worker and wait for response.
- Useful information like raw material are hidden in massive message and hard to find out.
- Case duration from 3~4 days to 3~4 months. It’s hard to calculate each case’s labor needs.
Challenge of finance: They need to calculate salary according to worker’s forms, while calculate cost in payment request and reimburse payment.
- It’s hard to control cash flow in real-time.
- Need to spend lots of time to key in submitted paper forms to excel.
- Workers’ late arrive and early leave can not check easily with massive Line message.
- Sometimes, work attendance forms lose or hesitate in salary. It’s hard to find history data.
Challenge of workers: Use Line to report attendance status and fill in paper forms.
- It’s a waste of time on filling paper work record forms after off work.
- They need to integrate paper forms in period of time and submit to finance. Payment request need to wait for a long time.
- If there is hesitation in salary, they need to check work record forms and Line message.

Imported Benefits
In engineering industry, we are still using paper forms and Line group to communicate as other companies. However, there are some problems in managing and daily work as increasing in company’s scale. More and more engineers need to manage, project status need to track, cash flow need to clarify, and data need to collect. We have already purchase a material management system to manage raw material and machines. But, the system is not convenient and we seldom use it. So, we do not belief digital system can really solve our problem, and have low willingness in survey new system.
In March 2018, we found ServiceJDC on internet, which is especially made for field work cloud managing system. We though it’s punch in/out, task dispatch and form management can solve our problems with low monthly/yearly charge. In this way, our managers started to evaluate implementation because of free trail for under 5 users. ServiceJDC’s consultants assisted us settings and provide us professional suggestions to fit our company’s process (prepare materials, task dispatch, attendance, punch-in, work records form, and payment request forms). After nearly a month, our staff can use ServiceJDC’s system smoothly.
1. E-management leads to high efficiency
In the past, Walbridge use Line group to communicate and paper forms to collect data. Data was scattered and can not real-time synchronize. Now, ServiceJDC can help multi-screen process and work. Simplify integrate work and control real time work status are beneficial as following:
Simple and high efficiency mobile dispatch
Engineering material can announce through ServiceJDC, then managers can check engineer project’s status and staff’s schedule from system. Managers can dispatch tasks to engineers, then engineers will receive push notification and check task’s detail from schedule.

Now, when engineers arrive work location, they can GPS check in to report back to managers. Manager can add a remark of attendance on the task. After work finish, engineers can check out and upload work records forms by smart phones. Managers will use Web or APP to check forms’ data and work status after an hour. Then, managers can dispatch tomorrow’s tasks.
Every engineering project’s labor deployment can be check easily
In constructing project, constructing time and labor deployment are key factors of affecting profit. Therefore, realize similar project duration’s constructing time and labor deployment is really important. Now, we use task optional forms can make good records of precise labor cost. Web’s PivotTable table functions can analysis project’s labor in a certain period and easily calculate labor costs.
Finance staff will calculate salary once a month according to paper records forms and Line message. They need to check attendance records reported by field engineers and key in Excel to calculate salary. Now, they can calculate by exporting engineer’s work records forms and leave records through web platform.
Time in engineer’s salary calculate shorten from 3 days to 3 hours
All check in records, work records forms and leave records can check and export from web platform. There’s no need to gather paper work records forms form managers or check from Line’s history message. Now, finance staff can find out leave records of engineers and work records forms’ daily salary from web every 2 weeks. Systematize salary calculation is fast and precise.
In APP form’s function, engineers can fill in reimburse forms at any time. Finance staff can check from web platform and control all cash flow of engineering project. Shorten payment request process can make a win-win situation for both employers and employees.
3. Electronic and mobilized communicate ensure work records preserve completely
Paper forms are not convenient for engineers to bring to constructing site. They fill in forms after work according to Line message. Now, ServiceJDC can assist them punch in and fill forms with phones. After work, engineers can upload forms and punch out to report back to managers. Therefore, salary calculate process can be simplified with work records forms. All administrative work becomes easier with our system.