Maintenance Management

ServiceJDC's one-stop field maintenance service including periodical schedule arrangement, temporary task dispatch, check in, status report, form management, history records and data analysis. We can assist enterprises provide a better service to customers and create values.

Maintenance management
makes service more efficient

ServiceJDC’s one-stop field maintenance service including periodical schedule arrangement, temporary task dispatch, check in, status report, form management, history records and data analysis. We can assist enterprises provide a better service to customers and create values.

3 issues in managing maintenance service

3 issues in managing maintenance service

Task arrangement

  • Task dispatch:

Periodical maintenance and installation are arranged by excel and need to negotiate on phone or social app. It coats lots of time and might loss message or make mistakes.

  • Information gap:

It’s hard to search machines’ warranty time and know field engineers work status. If there is temporary customer’s maintenance needs, you might take lots of time in checking all information.

One-stop Maintenance Management Solution

ServiceJDC - Maintenance management system, task dispatching, mileage and fuel expense calculation, business intelligence (BI) analytics.

Cloud Data-base, Dispatch and Manage in Real-time

  • Staff shifts arrange and dispatch
  • Schedule view
  • Task dashboard and calculate
  • Task detail and history
  • Staff skill search
  • Attendance records reports

Cloud data-base, dispatch and manage in real-time

  • Staff shifts arrange and dispatch
  • Schedule view
  • Task dashboard and calculate
  • Task detail and history
  • Staff skill search
  • Attendance records reports

Digitalized Data to Analysis and Decision Making Precisely

  • Customer management
  • Customer group classification
  • Equipment management
  • Work order management
  • Maintenance contract management
  • Contract expiry notification
  • Spare parts inventory management
  • Mileage and fuel expense audit

Digitalized Data to Analysis and Decision Making Precisely

  • Customer management
  • Customer group classification
  • Equipment management
  • Work order management
  • Maintenance contract management
  • Contract expiry notification
  • Spare parts inventory management
  • Mileage and fuel expense audit

Business Intelligence Analytics and Precision Decision-making

  • Completion Rate of Scheduled Maintenance
  • Completion rate of repair tasks
  • Analysis of failure rates for each device
  • Analysis of maintenance time
  • Customer equipment statistics
  • Ranking of parts replacement frequency

Business Intelligence Analytics and Precision Decision-making

  • Completion Rate of Scheduled Maintenance
  • Completion rate of repair tasks
  • Analysis of failure rates for each device
  • Analysis of maintenance time
  • Customer equipment statistics
  • Ranking of parts replacement frequency

Online Attendance Management

  • punch in/ out
  • Online scheduleg
  • Leave/ overtime request
  • Payroll calculation
ServiceJDC - Maintenance management system, online punch-in, inventory lookup, form approval, work order completion.

Online Attendance Management

  • punch in/ out
  • Online scheduleg
  • Leave/ overtime request
  • Payroll calculation

Mobile Task Execution

  • Maintenance task scheduling
  • Work schedule viewing
  • Work progress reporting
  • Work order completion
  • Parts usage records
  • Upload of before and after maintenance photos
  • Customer PDF work order archiving
  • Mileage and fuel expense calculation

Mobile Task Execution

  • Maintenance task scheduling
  • Work schedule viewing
  • Work progress reporting
  • Work order completion
  • Parts usage records
  • Upload of before and after maintenance photos
  • Customer PDF work order archiving
  • Mileage and fuel expense calculation

Mobile Data Query

  • Attendance statistics recording
  • Customer information
  • Maintenance service history
  • Form approval progress
  • Contract warranty period
  • Inventory of spare parts

Mobile Data Query

  • Attendance statistics recording
  • Customer information
  • Maintenance service history
  • Form approval progress
  • Contract warranty period
  • Inventory of spare parts
外勤筋斗雲 維修管理系統 線上打卡、庫存查尋、表單簽核、工單填寫

Why choose ServiceJDC for maintenance management?


Automation of Periodic Tasks

Contract management can configure equipment maintenance cycles, task generation times, and task formats based on each contract content, allowing the system to automatically create equipment maintenance tasks.


Electronic Signature Forms

The system allows the editing of maintenance forms like service orders, repair orders, material requisitions, and inspection forms. Maintenance personnel can fill them out on mobile phones, and the data is automatically analyzed.


Systematized Spare Parts Inventory

ServiceJDC's forms, customized data, and scheduling management can establish a parts and consumables table to update inventory levels in real-time, facilitating personnel inquiries and consumables management.


Mobile Maintenance App

Maintenance personnel uses the app to perform work check-ins, dispatch tasks, task reporting, work order filling, and query maintenance contract warranties, history, equipment inventory, and other information.


Efficient Repair Dispatch

Through the Schedule or the app, you can quickly view employee schedules and arrange temporary repair tasks, saving time on back-and-forth confirmation and communication.


Visualized Repair Progress

In task management, the dashboard provides statistical information on the progress of various maintenance tasks, and detailed task content can be viewed from the history record.


Transparent Knowledge Sharing

In the "equipment error code", fields such as fault code setup, equipment type, description, and maintenance handling methods can be established to effectively save maintenance processing knowledge.


Convenient Employee Attendance

Scheduling, online check-ins (GPS, Wi-Fi, NFC), leave requests, and overtime applications can all be managed through the app.

Specialist in various industries

ServiceJDC is the best choice for enterprises who has maintenance service needs. Our system can fulfill various industries like manufacturing, machinery, constructing, medical materials, and equipment agent. Transforming maintenance service methods to realize management with data transparency, mobilize, and digitalize.


Specialist in various industries

ServiceJDC is the best choice for enterprises who has maintenance service needs. Our system can fulfill various industries like manufacturing, machinery, constructing, medical materials, and equipment agent.Transforming maintenance service methods to realize management with data transparency, mobilize, and digitalize.

外勤筋斗雲 維修管理系統 維修員的一天
外勤筋斗雲 維修管理系統 feat.電獺少女

More than 7,600 companies have chosen ServiceJDC

Over 7,600 Enterprises Choose ServiceJDC

Century Trading Corporation

Century Trading Corporation

Based in best service, provide with high quality industry goods including CNC machines, Injection molding machines, and automation robots. With one-stop integrate service and focus on enhancing availability and service quality to fulfill project services.

Superior Taiwan

Superior Taiwan

Devoted to enhance level of laundry service and provide industry and commercial laundry equipment, self-service laundry stores, and professional laundry service. With 5G and unmanned stores rise, Superior Taiwan has simplified working process and enhance 4 times efficiency with digital system.

FocusMedia Taiwan

FocusMedia Taiwan

Leading brand in elevator information platform service with a devotion in building up a comprehensive internet media platform. Use digital data to control market status, simplify process and optimize labors to stand firm in fierce environment of media industry.

Fresenius Medical Care

Fresenius Medical Care

Global-known medical care leading brand Fresenius provide high quality medical service to patients. Transforming office work with mobilize, transparent and system can help simplify daily process and focus on providing a better medical service.

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to make maintenance management more efficient

With 40-year experience in maintenance service management, we built a cloud-based management platform which can apply to all industries. We devote to make field management more efficiency and simple to adapt into fast-changing market in following decade.