Shih Lei Business Co., Ltd. stands as a leading representative brand in the domestic imported kitchenware market, featuring renowned products such as Italian kitchen appliances, German Grunbeck whole-house water purification systems, and their proprietary brand Yaffle, offering under-counter water purifiers and 5-star quality sparkling water machines. With 8 business locations, 3 subsidiaries, and 3 warehouses nationwide, Shih Lei Business Co., Ltd. is a substantial organization with 150 employees. It's astonishing to think that before the adoption of Mercuries Data Systems' ServiceJDC, a simple employee leave request could take up to two weeks for approval. Shih Lei Business Co., Ltd.'s General Manager, Mr. Hsieh Wei-Hsiung, humorously remarks, "This process made me feel like a celebrity, surrounded by employees seeking my signature wherever I went."
Solutions By Function
Field Staff Management
Field Work Assistance
Approval Management
Customer Management
Equipment Management
Schedule Management
Contract Management
Mileage Management
Business Intelligence Analysis
Customer Service Chatbot
Solutions By Role
Sales Management
Maintenance Management
Merchandising Management
Inspection Management