Form Management

There are two types of Forms: Normal Form and Task Form. The Normal Form is allowed to check and edit at any time. The Task Form is associated with a Task and support auto fill in function. One Task is allowed to associate with one Form only. 

1. Login to ServiceJDC back-end platform (web page version), go to “Form Management>Customized Form> Add.” 

2. Fill in the Form, drag the Item Elements to dash-line section, and click the top right corner of each Element to edit. 

Run ServiceJDC APP, go to “Schedule.” A Form is required to fill in if a Form icon is shown at top right corner of the Task List. Click “Task> Assign Form” to fill in the content according to settings of the Form. Click “Save” at top right corner to complete. 


1. Login to ServiceJDC back-end platform (web page version), go to “Form Management> Most Used Form > Add.” Enter the name and items then save. 

2. To customize to Form, use the Radio Button and Checkbox elements. A Most Used list will be shown when editing the option list. 


1. Login to ServiceJDC back-end platform (web page version), go to “Form Management> Task Data Search.” Set the filters with Form Name, Upload Person, and Upload Date. Click “Search/ Refresh.”

2. If there is still quite a lot of data, it is possible to search in each cell item by entering key words.


A PivotTable of web page back-end platform is created from cells of each Form. Take “repair form” as example. Describe as below:

1. Login to ServiceJDC back-end platform (web page version), go to “Form Management> Task Data Search.” 

2. Pick up the name of Form (Upload Person and Upload Date are optional) and click “Search/ Refresh” to run. 

3. Click “Pivot Table.”

Functions in the following picture:

A- chart type, B- calculation type, C- row, D- cell item, E- column.


Example 1: Repair Form
The following table is statistics of repair material. Header of row is date, and header of column is material.

1. Based on the upper form’s requirements, drag cell items “Upload date” and “Items” to row and column respectively.

2. Define the Calculation Type as Summary. Run the calculation to complete the table. 

Example 2: Repair form

1. Both row and column can add multiple items. Drag “Upload date”, “Upload staff” and “Items” to row and column. Select “Sum” in “calculation type” to get the calculated numbers.

2. If “Upload staff” put at first, the statistic shows the numbers of materials consumed sort by staff.

3. If items (Materials) is the primary header, columns will be shown as below:

Yes. Please follow the steps to set up as below:
1 . Login to ServiceJDC back-end platform (web page version), go to “Form Management”, click” Task Data Search.” 

2 . Select the name of the Form (material requisition form) (Upload Person or Upload Date is optional). Click “Search/Refresh” to run.

3 . Then click “Pivot Table” for further settings. If you click “Keep Pivot Table Setting,” current setting will be set as default. Which means, the default table will be shown directly in next time when running “material requisition form” pivot table. 

1. Login to ServiceJDC back-end platform (web page version), go to “Form Management”, click” Task Data Search.”

2. Select the name of the Form (material requisition form) (Upload Person or Upload Date is optional). Click “Search/Refresh” to run. 

3. Then click “Pivot Table” for further settings and click “Export Pivot table result” to export the table into an Excel file.