Task Management

Run ServiceJDC APP, click “Schedule> Function icon at top right corner>Add Task” to create a new Task. Click “Add” to complete. 


1. Login to ServiceJDC back-end platform (web page version), go to “Task Management> Task List and Employee Schedule” to add a new Task.  

2. Enter task content. (【*】indicates required fields )新增任务中,另有设置自定义表单的功能 in ServiceJDC back-end platform (web page version). Click “Create Task” to complete. 


Login to ServiceJDC back-end platform (web page version), go to “Task Management> Import.” Download excel sample file, enter Task content into cells, and upload data by using import function.(If error occurs, adjust excel according to error message then upload again. )


Run Mobile Service APP, check the Task of the day in Schedule in List mode or Map mode.


The Tasks are distinguishable by colors. 

Orange: Not Started Yet
Blue: Processing.
Green: Completed. 




1.(Web)Click “Task>Map View.”

Default is today’s task location. You can also check other date.

2.(APP) Click “Calendar>Functions>Map Mode” to check selected date’s task locations.

Login to ServiceJDC back-end platform (web page version), go to “Task Management>Employee Schedule” to check the Fieldworkers’ schedule and status. 


Click “Task Process” in Schedule. Select “Report” or “Close the case” according to the execution.

1. Report- to report the Task which status is Processing. Enter the description of execution or Check-in to submit the report. 

2. Close the case- to report the Task which Status is completed. Enter the description of execution or Check-in to submit the report.


Graphics like photos or pictures are attachable for Task report.

How to operate: Click “File Upload” icon in Task Report window. Select photos from album or take a new one.

After upload, the description is addable by click the photos or pictures. 


Both the APP and web page version of ServiceJDC support the editing of database of frequented used vocabularies. Please find description as below: 

1. Login to ServiceJDC back-end platform (web page version), go to “Task Management> Database of frequented used vocabularies> Add” to edit frequented used vocabularies.

2. Run ServiceJDC APP, go to “Schedule> Report> Help icon at right side or the star icon (quick access to frequented used vocabularies) > function icon at top right corner” to edit frequented used vocabularies. 


1. Login to ServiceJDC back-end platform (web page version), click the alter icon at top right corner to view tasks that are【Overdue Without Started】and【Overdue Without Completed】

2. Click “Push Notification” to send a push notification message to cell phones. 


It is possible to add a Task without assign any Fieldworker. You could assign it later in “Task Management>Employee Schedule” in ServiceJDC back-end platform (web page version).

The unassigned Task will be shown below staff Task status list. Drag the Task up to the list to assign. Don’t forget to click “Save the change” to complete the assignment. 


Login to ServiceJDC back-end platform (web page version), go to ”Statistics Management> Task Statistics” to search Statistics by Customer, Fieldworker, or Task Type. This function supports Excel Export.